
Policy Writing & Training Programs to Manage Workplace Marijuana Use

We Help Employers Handle Medical & Recreational Marijuana Use by Staff & Applicants

Effective policies & procedures are at the heart of workplace marijuana management. Best practices call for the creation, implementation, and enforcement of marijuana policies and training programs governing medical and recreational use by employees and job applicants, at work and after hours.
Business, government, and association professionals in the U.S. and abroad rely on the experienced policy and training professionals at the Marijuana Policy Institute for best practices-based cannabis policies, supported by effective onsite and online training programs.

We Help Minimize Marijuana Risks, Manage Employee Use & Maximize Legal Compliance

Our marijuana policies and training programs help employers:
  • Manage employee and job applicant marijuana use on the job and after hours.
  • Comply with federal, state, and city marijuana legislation.
  • Adhere to ADA, FMLA, anti-discrimination laws, and disability accommodation guidelines.
  • Handle Workers’ Compensation, OSHA, Drug-Free Workplace Act, DOT & Unemployment Compensation challenges related to marijuana use by employees and applicants.
  • Take a considered approach to workplace and pre-employment marijuana testing.
  • Accommodate medical marijuana cardholders in accordance with laws and compassion.
  • Minimize employment discrimination lawsuits and other legal claims.
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We Are Expert Policy Writers & Experienced Trainers

Marijuana Policy Institute Founder Nancy Flynn, creator of The ePolicy Institute™ and author of The e-Policy Handbook, The Social Media Handbook, and The ePolicy Toolkit, is an internationally recognized authority on workplace policies & procedures and an in-demand trainer and speaker. See Nancy Flynn’s professional bio to learn more.

We Offer Policy Writing, Policy Templates & Training Programs

While illegal on the federal level, increasing numbers of states have legalized medical and recreational marijuana. Some cities have enacted laws governing marijuana testing for employees and job applicants, as well. Nationwide marijuana legalization is inevitable. Regardless of where your state and municipality stand, now is the time to recognize, prepare for, and manage medical and recreational marijuana use by employees and job applicants.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Marijuana Policy & Training Needs.
Nancy Flynn Marijuana Policy Institute Founder Nancy Flynn.

Meet Our Sister Companies

We teach business, technical, email & policy writers
to communicate clearly and effectively

Business Writing Institute
Nancy Flynn’s Business Writing Institute has been training business, technical, policy, and email writers for three decades. Our interactive workshops, live webinars, and one-on-one coaching programs help participants write clearly, effectively, and persuasively. From entry-level staff to C-level execs and professionals, we offer results-oriented training for anyone who writes on the job. We also provide business writing, editing, and ghostwriting services. To learn more, visit BusinessWritingInstitute.org and download our Business Writing Institute capabilities sheet.

Our electronic & workplace policy writing &
training programs support compliance

ePolicy Institute
The ePolicy Institute is the world’s first and foremost electronic and HR policy training, writing, and consulting firm. We provide onsite and online training, policy writing and consulting, and expert witness services to clients worldwide. From government agencies to corporations and associations, clients rely on Nancy Flynn’s ePolicy Institute to help develop and implement effective electronic and workplace policies and procedures. We help you maximize compliance, manage behavior, and minimize legal, regulatory, and organizational risks. To learn more, visit ePolicyInstitute.com and download our ePolicy Institute capabilities sheet.

Founder Nancy Flynn Wrote the Book on Workplace Policy & Communication

The ePolicy Handbook The Social Media Handbook The ePolicy Toolkit Writing Effective Email E-Mail Rules Blog Rules Instant Messaging Rules

As Seen In

The New York Times The Wall Street Journal USA Today Time

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Download our corporate capabilities sheet for an overview of major clients, experience, and expertise.